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GS Final Appearances

Pos Player Appearances
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2 1
3 2
4 1
5 1
6 Adrian Quist 22
7 Adriano Panatta 1
8 Agatha Morton 4
9 Agnes Daniell Tuckey 1
10 Agnieszka Radwanska 1
11 Subscribe now
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12 1
13 1
14 1
15 1
16 Alex Corretja 2
17 Alex O'Brien 4
18 Alex Olmedo 5
19 Alexander Peya 1
20 Alexander Van Rensselaer 3
21 Subscribe now
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22 3
23 1
24 3
25 2
26 Algernon Kingscote 3
27 Alice Marble 5
28 Alice Pickering 2
29 Alicia Florian 1
30 Alida Neave 1
31 Subscribe now
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32 5
33 1
34 8
35 3
36 Amy Tabor 1
37 Ana Ivanovic 3
38 Anastasia Myskina 1
39 Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova 1
40 Anders Jarryd 13
41 Subscribe now
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42 15
43 4
44 7
45 2
46 Andrea Vavassori 1
47 Andrei Olhovskiy 2
48 Andres Gimeno 3
49 Andres Gomez 3
50 Andrew Castle 1
51 Subscribe now
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52 1
53 1
54 11
55 2
56 Andy Roddick 5
57 Angela Buxton 1
58 Angela Mortimer 7
59 Angelique Kerber 4
60 Anita Lizana 1
61 Subscribe now
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62 10
63 1
64 1
65 1
66 Annabella Wistar 1
67 Anne Hobbs 2
68 Anne Smith 1
69 Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario 17
70 Archibald Warden 1
71 Subscribe now
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72 3
73 10
74 1
75 12
76 Arthur Larsen 2
77 Arthur Lowe 3
78 Arthur Newbold 2
79 Arthur O'Hara Wood 1
80 Arthur Stanley 2
81 Subscribe now
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82 4
83 3
84 2
85 12
86 Atsushi Miyagi 1
87 Aubrey Willard 1
88 Augusta L. Schultz 1
89 B. M. Grant 1
90 Balazs Taroczy 2
91 Subscribe now
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92 1
93 4
94 1
95 1
96 Beals Wright 11
97 Beatriz Haddad Maia 1
98 Berkeley Bell 2
99 Bernard Destremau 1
100 Bert St. John 4