Esther Bartosh
Full name: Esther Mae Hare Bartosh
Alias: Dr Esther Bartosh
Alias: Dr Esther Bartosh

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Bio | She married Gerald "Jerry" Bartosh, before July 1929, divorced by 1940 census. She was Californian, and won Pacific Northwest Championships in 1936 (runner-up in 1939), Wisconsin State Championships 1935, Utah State Championships 1938, Canadian Championships 1936, runner-up at Southern California Championships 1934 and at Tri-State Championships 1934 as well as runner-up at Colorado State Championships 1940, runner-up at La Jolla Summer 1931, runner-up at Washington State Championships 1936. She often played the Mixed with her husband. An anatomy teacher at University of California Los Angeles, she was usually listed as Dr Esther Bartosh. Best known as a coach, she was instrumental in shaping Bobby Riggs, the 1939 Wimbledon champion. Mrs. Bartosh didn't treat tennis seriously until she became a practicing M.D. - working for the city health department forced her to be on call or within easy reach of a phone for the bulk of her time. She explained: "Because of that I wasn't able to play golf as much as I had been and in looking about for some sort of recreation which would leave me constantly near a telephone - that situation led me to a tennis court." Sources: Court Hustler, by Bobby Riggs with George McGann. 1973 |
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