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Wimbledon 1880 Gentlemen's Singles  (July 5 - July 15)

1.United Kingdom (GBR)
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John Hartley
last year champion
2.Ireland (IRL)
3.United Kingdom (GBR)
4.United Kingdom (GBR)
5.United Kingdom (GBR)
6.United Kingdom (GBR)
7.United Kingdom (GBR)Francis Monement6-3 6-3 6-5
Francis Monement
8.United Kingdom (GBR)B. Follett6-2 6-3 3-6 6-3
Otway Woodhouse
9.United Kingdom (GBR)Charles Evill6-3 6-3 3-6 6-0
Charles Evill
10.United Kingdom (GBR)W. Bird6-3 6-1 6-0
Hubert Medlycott
11.United Kingdom (GBR)Hubert Medlycott6-4 6-3 6-0
Hubert Medlycott
12.United Kingdom (GBR)Edward Buxton5-6 6-5 6-3 4-6 6-5
Ernest Renshaw
13.United Kingdom (GBR)
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14.United Kingdom (GBR)
15.United Kingdom (GBR)
16.United Kingdom (GBR)
Otway WoodhouseJohn Hartley
17.Ireland (IRL)6-4 2-6 6-3 5-6 6-16-3 6-2 2-6 6-3
18.United Kingdom (GBR)
19.United Kingdom (GBR)Charles Colew/o
Charles Cole
20.United Kingdom (GBR)Seton Montgomerie6-4 5-6 5-6 6-3 6-2
George Montgomerie
21.United Kingdom (GBR)George Montgomerie6-0 6-1 6-1
George Montgomerie
22.United Kingdom (GBR)William Wells-Cole6-2 6-5 6-5
George Montgomerie
23.United Kingdom (GBR)C. Stephen6-2 6-2 6-0
C. Stephen
24.United Kingdom (GBR)T. Taylor6-4 4-6 6-3 6-5
George Montgomerie
25.United Kingdom (GBR)
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6-3 5-6 6-2 2-6 6-3
26.United Kingdom (GBR)
27.United Kingdom (GBR)
28.United Kingdom (GBR)
29.United Kingdom (GBR)
30.United Kingdom (GBR)
31.United Kingdom (GBR)Arthur Tabor3-6 6-3 6-2 6-2
Arthur Tabor
32.United Kingdom (GBR)Francis Benson6-1 6-0 6-3
Herbert Lawford
33.United Kingdom (GBR)Herbert Lawford7-5 6-4 6-0
Herbert Lawford
34.United Kingdom (GBR)J. Eddis6-2 6-2 6-4
Herbert Lawford
35.United Kingdom (GBR)William Monement6-2 6-1 6-1
William Monement
36.United Kingdom (GBR)F. Harold6-0 6-0 6-3
Herbert Lawford
37.United Kingdom (GBR)
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38.United Kingdom (GBR)
39.United Kingdom (GBR)
40.United Kingdom (GBR)
Herbert Lawford
41.United Kingdom (GBR)6-0 6-3 6-1
42.Ireland (IRL)
43.United Kingdom (GBR)Frederick Crowder6-4 6-5 6-2
Frederick Crowder
44.United Kingdom (GBR)W. Haconw/o
William D'Esterre
45.Ireland (IRL)Michael McNamara6-3 6-2 5-6 5-6 6-1
Michael McNamara
46.United Kingdom (GBR)Maxwell Scott6-2 6-0 6-4
William D'Esterre
47.United Kingdom (GBR)William D'Esterre6-2 6-1 2-6 6-4
William D'Esterre
48.United Kingdom (GBR)Barclay Buxton6-4 5-6 6-4 6-4
Herbert Lawford
49.United Kingdom (GBR)
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6-2 6-3 6-3
50.United Kingdom (GBR)
51.United Kingdom (GBR)
52.United Kingdom (GBR)
53.United Kingdom (GBR)
54.United Kingdom (GBR)
55.United Kingdom (GBR)Charles Heathcote6-4 2-6 6-0 6-5
Charles Heathcote
56.United Kingdom (GBR)W. Clerke6-5 6-2 6-5
George Butterworth
57.United Kingdom (GBR)George Butterworth1-6 6-1 6-4 6-5
George Butterworth
58.United Kingdom (GBR)Nalton Womersley6-2 6-2 5-6 6-5
George Butterworth
59.United Kingdom (GBR)J. Devans4-6 6-4 6-3 6-3
J. Devans
60.United Kingdom (GBR)William C. Taylor6-2 6-2 6-3
George Butterworth
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(default) 17 queries took 20 ms
NrQueryErrorAffectedNum. rowsTook (ms)
1SELECT `Tournament`.`id`, `Tournament`.`name`, `Tournament`.`slug`, `Tournament`.`subtitle`, `Tournament`.`description`, `Tournament`.`surface`, `Tournament`.`venue`, `Tournament`.`eras`, `Tournament`.`history`, `Tournament`.`president`, `Tournament`.`PrizeMoney`, `Tournament`.`grandslam`, `Tournament`.`created`, `Tournament`.`modified` FROM `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`tournaments` AS `Tournament` WHERE `Tournament`.`slug` = 'wimbledon' LIMIT 1111
2SELECT `Category`.`id`, `Category`.`name`, `Category`.`slug`, `Category`.`tournament_id`, `Category`.`gender`, `Category`.`type`, `Category`.`surface`, `Category`.`venue`, `Category`.`president`, `Category`.`name_of_the_tournament`, `Category`.`created`, `Category`.`modified`, `Category`.`created_by`, `Category`.`modified_by` FROM `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`categories` AS `Category` WHERE `Category`.`tournament_id` = (3)551
3SELECT `Quote`.`id`, `Quote`.`tournament_id`, `Quote`.`quote`, `Quote`.`by`, `Quote`.`source`, `Quote`.`created`, `Quote`.`created_by`, `Quote`.`modified`, `Quote`.`modified_by` FROM `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`quotes` AS `Quote` WHERE `Quote`.`tournament_id` = (3)441
4SELECT `Tournamenttotal`.`id`, `Tournamenttotal`.`tournament_id`, `Tournamenttotal`.`year`, `Tournamenttotal`.`price_money`, `Tournamenttotal`.`attendance`, `Tournamenttotal`.`created`, `Tournamenttotal`.`created_by`, `Tournamenttotal`.`modified`, `Tournamenttotal`.`modified_by` FROM `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`tournamenttotals` AS `Tournamenttotal` WHERE `Tournamenttotal`.`tournament_id` = (3)57571
5SELECT `Category`.`id`, `Category`.`name`, `Category`.`slug`, `Category`.`tournament_id`, `Category`.`gender`, `Category`.`type`, `Category`.`surface`, `Category`.`venue`, `Category`.`president`, `Category`.`name_of_the_tournament`, `Category`.`created`, `Category`.`modified`, `Category`.`created_by`, `Category`.`modified_by`, `Tournament`.`id`, `Tournament`.`name`, `Tournament`.`slug`, `Tournament`.`subtitle`, `Tournament`.`description`, `Tournament`.`surface`, `Tournament`.`venue`, `Tournament`.`eras`, `Tournament`.`history`, `Tournament`.`president`, `Tournament`.`PrizeMoney`, `Tournament`.`grandslam`, `Tournament`.`created`, `Tournament`.`modified` FROM `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`categories` AS `Category` LEFT JOIN `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`tournaments` AS `Tournament` ON (`Category`.`tournament_id` = `Tournament`.`id`) WHERE `Tournament`.`slug` = 'wimbledon' AND `Category`.`slug` = 'men-singles' LIMIT 1111
6SELECT `Contest`.`id`, `Contest`.`category_id`, `Contest`.`year`, `Contest`.`slug`, `Contest`.`ch`, `Contest`.`date_from`, `Contest`.`date_to`, `Contest`.`book`, `Contest`.`name_of_the_tournament`, `Contest`.`location`, `Contest`.`venue`, `Contest`.`surface`, `Contest`.`participants`, `Contest`.`prize_money`, `Contest`.`attendance`, `Contest`.`misc`, `Contest`.`final_misc`, `Contest`.`created`, `Contest`.`created_by`, `Contest`.`modified`, `Contest`.`modified_by` FROM `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`contests` AS `Contest` WHERE `Contest`.`category_id` = (17) ORDER BY `Contest`.`year` ASC1371373
7SELECT `Contest`.`id`, `Contest`.`category_id`, `Contest`.`year`, `Contest`.`slug`, `Contest`.`ch`, `Contest`.`date_from`, `Contest`.`date_to`, `Contest`.`book`, `Contest`.`name_of_the_tournament`, `Contest`.`location`, `Contest`.`venue`, `Contest`.`surface`, `Contest`.`participants`, `Contest`.`prize_money`, `Contest`.`attendance`, `Contest`.`misc`, `Contest`.`final_misc`, `Contest`.`created`, `Contest`.`created_by`, `Contest`.`modified`, `Contest`.`modified_by`, `Category`.`id`, `Category`.`name`, `Category`.`slug`, `Category`.`tournament_id`, `Category`.`gender`, `Category`.`type`, `Category`.`surface`, `Category`.`venue`, `Category`.`president`, `Category`.`name_of_the_tournament`, `Category`.`created`, `Category`.`modified`, `Category`.`created_by`, `Category`.`modified_by` FROM `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`contests` AS `Contest` LEFT JOIN `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`categories` AS `Category` ON (`Contest`.`category_id` = `Category`.`id`) WHERE `Category`.`tournament_id` = 3 AND `Contest`.`category_id` = 17 AND `Contest`.`slug` = '1880' LIMIT 1111
8SELECT `Match`.`id`, `Match`.`contest_id`, `Match`.`player_a_id`, `Match`.`player_aa_id`, `Match`.`player_b_id`, `Match`.`player_bb_id`, `Match`.`results`, `Match`.`long`, `Match`.`attendance`, `Match`.`no`, `Match`.`round`, `Match`.`round_id`, `Match`.`note`, `Match`.`created`, `Match`.`created_by`, `Match`.`modified`, `Match`.`modified_by` FROM `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`matches` AS `Match` WHERE `Match`.`contest_id` = (412) ORDER BY `Match`.`round_id` ASC, `Match`.`no` ASC61611
9SELECT `Player`.`id`, `Player`.`name`, `Player`.`gender`, `Player`.`slug` FROM `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`players` AS `Player` WHERE `Player`.`id` IN (5280, 5248, 5279, 5281, 5269, 5282, 5283, 5284, 5285, 5286, 5258, 5260, 5249, 5287, 5288, 5289, 5255, 5227, 5253, 5224, 5226, 5265, 5245, 5290, 5291, 5292, 5293, 5294, 5295, 5296, 5274, 5261, 5232, 5316, 5314, 5315, 5313, 5312, 5311, 5310, 5272, 5309, 5308, 5307, 5306, 5305, 5303, 5304, 5302, 5201, 5301, 5213, 5237, 5250, 5211, 5300, 5299, 5298, 5297, 932, 5252) ORDER BY `Player`.`lastname` ASC, `Player`.`firstname` ASC61612
10SELECT `Playercontest`.`id`, `Playercontest`.`player_id`, `Playercontest`.`contest_id`, `Playercontest`.`nat_id`, `Playercontest`.`draw` FROM `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`playercontests` AS `Playercontest` WHERE `Playercontest`.`contest_id` = 41261611
11SELECT `Countrycode`.`id`, `Countrycode`.`code` FROM `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`countrycodes` AS `Countrycode` WHERE `Countrycode`.`id` IN (196, 90)221
12SELECT `Countrycode`.`id`, `Countrycode`.`name` FROM `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`countrycodes` AS `Countrycode` WHERE `Countrycode`.`id` IN (196, 90)221
13SELECT `Playercontest`.`player_id`, `Playercontest`.`nat_id` FROM `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`playercontests` AS `Playercontest` WHERE ((`Playercontest`.`player_id` IN (5280, 5248, 5279, 5281, 5269, 5282, 5283, 5284, 5285, 5286, 5258, 5260, 5249, 5287, 5288, 5289, 5255, 5227, 5253, 5224, 5226, 5265, 5245, 5290, 5291, 5292, 5293, 5294, 5295, 5296, 5274, 5261, 5232, 5316, 5314, 5315, 5313, 5312, 5311, 5310, 5272, 5309, 5308, 5307, 5306, 5305, 5303, 5304, 5302, 5201, 5301, 5213, 5237, 5250, 5211, 5300, 5299, 5298, 5297, 932, 5252)) AND (`Playercontest`.`contest_id` = 412))61611
14SELECT `Contest`.`slug`, `Contest`.`year` FROM `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`contests` AS `Contest` WHERE `Contest`.`category_id` = 17 ORDER BY `Contest`.`date_from` ASC1371371
15SELECT `Contest`.`id`, `Contest`.`category_id` FROM `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`contests` AS `Contest` WHERE `Contest`.`year` = 1880111
16SELECT `Category`.`id`, `Category`.`tournament_id` FROM `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`categories` AS `Category` WHERE `Category`.`id` = (17) AND `Category`.`gender` = 'Men' AND `Category`.`type` = 'Singles'111
17SELECT `Tournament`.`slug`, `Tournament`.`name` FROM `zavoihu1_db4tennis`.`tournaments` AS `Tournament` WHERE `Tournament`.`id` = (3)111